Overdraft Line-of-Credit

We offer a $100 - $500 overdraft line-of-credit to provide members with an alternative to overdrawing their account or being hit with "NSF" (insufficient funds) fees. However, this only works if members routinely pay down their overdraft LOC balance. Our overdraft Line-of-Credit is payable at the end of each month with a $20 minimum payment. This is a helpful way for members to establish credit as well as provide them with a cushion when using their debit card. The line-of-credit is a revolving account, much like a credit card balance. There is a fixed rate of 13% APR on our Overdraft LOC. A larger line-of-credit is available, based on the following credit scores:



A+  740 and Up  $10,000
A  680 - 739  $10,000
B  640 - 679  $7,500
C  600 - 639  $5,000
D  550 - 599  $2,500
E  549 and Less  $2,500

Our Members make the difference.

Member Since 2006

"My parents have been members of the credit union for more than 30 years and I became a member by default - a kind of family tradition. My parents opened an account for me and I learned how to fill out the slips to take out and put in money. Two of my siblings also have accounts there. I'm working now and feel a sense of pride when I think about being part of the credit union. They're not just people there, they're friends. They all know my name and it's a really friendly place."

Charles Worl

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