Sign Up for Our One2One Member Business Guide
Welcome to One2One, our guide to member owned businesses. Our goal is to help make a One2One connection between your business and other CU members. You must be a member of Genesee Co-op FCU to be listed in One2One.
If you are a member and would like to be listed, please fill in the information below, review and check that you understand the Terms and Conditions of One2One, and hit the submit button at the bottom of the page.
You will receive an email when you have been approved to be in our guide and then we ask that you go in and add a photo or image and any social media information and check out the content of your One2One business listing. You can maintain your listing at any time by using the log-in you created. You will be required to verify the accuracy of your listing annually.
Our Members make the difference.
Member Since 1982
"I decided to become a founder and a member of Genesee Co-op Federal Credit Union because I wanted to help create, support and benefit from a cooperative alternative to mainstream financial institutions. It's important to me to know that my money supports a non-profit, community-based, socially-responsible saving and lending institution. Now more than ever, we need alternatives to the mega-banks that have made such a mess of our economy. I'm proud to have been a part of an institution that has helped thousands of people enter the world of credit, improve their financial standing and be treated with dignity. It's great to have witnessed the credit union’s evolution from a small group of food co-op members into an institution that serves a member-ownership that's diverse in age, race, ethnicity and socio-economic circumstance."